3 ways i’m exploring rum in 2023.

Here are 3 ways I’m planning to explore rum this year:

#1: Reading more books about rum.

I love to read and THE best way to learn about basically anything is reading. Below are a few books I’ll be making my way through as I embark on this journey!

  • Rum Curious: The Indispensable Tasting Guide to the World's Spirit by Fred Minnick

  • Rum: The Manual by Dave Broom

  • Rum: A Global History by Richard Foss

  • Caribbean Rum: A Social and Economic History by Frederick Harold Smith

#2: Reviewing rum brands and bars that specialize in rum.

Can’t explore rum without drinking it! I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the rums in my collection, new and old bottles from the WIDE variety of rums available around the world, as well as taste-testing rum drinks at cocktail bars across NYC!

#3: Researching and highlighting Black and brown content creators who possess a deep passion for rum and are committed to educating about the spirit.

Finding content creators who LOVE rum brings me so much joy, and I can’t wait to introduce you to names and faces that you have to remember!

For example, if you’re not already checking for Shannon Mustipher, rum educator and author of Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails, you better start nowwwwww!

What are you interested in learning about rum? Let me know in the comments!


Happy Independence Day, Greenz! 🇬🇩


Sharing me and my favorite spirit.